The Center is a collaborative effort among several different agencies and organizations and is housed in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech and pulls together the some of the diverse wildlife expertise found in the Commonwealth.
- Director: Jim Parkhurst.
- With over 20 years of experience in human dimensions of wildlife and human-wildlife conflict, Jim is a highly knowledgeable about the many different aspects of human-wildlife conflict.
- Advisory Board: The Center is guided by the oversight of its advisory board, which is composed of 9 members who represent state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations and independent professionals. The members of the board are:
- Animal Welfare Consultant
- National Wildlife Control Operators Association
- USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
- Virginia Animal Control Association
- Virginia Association of Counties
- Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Wildlife Division
- Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Law Enforcement Division
- Virginia Farm Bureau Federation
- Virginia Municipal League
- The Wildlife Center of Virginia
- Financial Support: The Center is funded by a combination of grants, contracts, in-kind contributions and resources provided by state and local sources.