There is a high degree of variability in the type of damage that animal species can cause and one of the most challenging aspects of resolving human-wildlife conflicts is correctly interpreting animal sign to understand what is contributing to the problem. Often times, the species that at first appears to be responsible for damage, is not the one that is actually responsible. While at other times it seems like there is not enough information to determine what is causing the damage event. As part of The Center’s efforts to provide resources that are useful for training and education, we have compiled pictures that provide examples of different types of damage that may be caused by animals as a reference. Please click on the links below to see pictures that pertain to damage that was attributed to each species.
We are also interested in adding to this photo library. If you have documented damage from a known species, please submit photos. To help ensure that we receive photos that are as useful as possible, please follow these guidelines when taking a photo:
- Try to take well lit photos, when in a dark area use a flash or other light source to help with lighting.
- When possible, make the subject of the photo clearly central in the frame and add an item (e.g., coin, pencil) to help provide a sense of scale.
- When appropriate, provide multiple photos that provide a close up of the subject and the area that was affected.
- In your description, please make sure that you specify the location, when the photo was taken, species, subject of the picture, brief description of the event, and any other information that you deem as pertinent.
- Uploading a picture is voluntary. By uploading a picture, you are agreeing to allow us to use the photo on the website and in other educational materials.