Venomous Snakes


There are numerous species of Snake in Virginia that a landowner may find on their property. Most snakes in Virginia are harmless if not beneficial to humans. This web page only helps identify the four species of snake that are venomous in Virginia. To identify other species of snake in Virginia visit the Virginia Herpetological Society.

Legal Considerations

The snakes are classified as a non-game protected species. Virginia code allows for the taking of a species found committing or about to commit depredation upon ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, wildlife, livestock or other property or when concentrated in numbers and manners as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance 29.1-100. The nuisance classification does not pertain to threatened or endangered species, animals classified as game or fur-bearing animals, and those species protected by state or federal law. All species of snake except the cranebrake are capable of being classified as a nuisance by Virginia landowners. The cranebrake rattlesnake is a state endangered species and therefore can not be taken at any time. As with all wildlife non-lethal control measures should be exhausted before lethal measures are used.

In Virginia it is illegal to:

  • Set a trap where it would be likely to injure persons, dogs, stock or fowl 29.1-521,
  • Not visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught 29.1-521,
  • Transport, release, or relocate a snake anywhere other than the property it was caught on 4VAC15-30-50, and
  • Poison any animal (including snakes) other than rats and mice on your property 4VAC15-40-50.

In Virginia it is legal to:

  • Classify a snake (except state-protected cranebrake rattlesnake), as a nuisance if it is committing or about to commit depredation upon ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, wildlife, livestock or other property or when concentrated in numbers and manners as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance therefore allowing for the taking of the animal. ยง29.1-100